[Diablo] D4 Season 4: Loot 2.0! D2s7 5/23. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 71 (2024)

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      Forar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular

      March 23

      As someone who raided back in vanilla and TBC days, I didn’t mind the occasional dps race or baron geddon fight, but if there’s gonna be one-shot mechanics, “the hit boxes are kinda wonky” didn’t feel very good, and the tells for where they’re coming from feel awfully tight, but maybe I’m just old/bad, I’m not ruling this out.

      First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERf*ckER!


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      forty Registered User regular

      March 23

      WoW gave you much better movement precision for dodging ground effects than a mouse-controlled ARPG like D4 does.

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 23

      The waves were the only big problem. The 3/4 view and the size of them caused me lots of problems. The rest of the stuff was learnable and dodgable with D4 movement with practice even for my old color blind ass heh. I still got hit by it. I still didnt kill her until I skipped her last phase and most of the second. But there have been one shot builds since 1.0.

      I am happy they are changing it! Just to be clear heh.

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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      March 23

      Getting one shot in any game is lame as hell so I never even thought about trying.


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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 23

      Oh I agree. Id stay away from pretty much any boss in the genre though heh. Even LE I had some really sus one shots.

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      Kamar Registered User regular

      March 23 edited March 23

      Jubal77 wrote: »

      Oh I agree. Id stay away from pretty much any boss in the genre though heh. Even LE I had some really sus one shots.

      Playing LE has me wanting to try full face tank builds more often in ARPGs, even at the expense of damage.

      It's fun to have at least one character that just doesn't care about anything but literal guaranteed one-shots.

      Kamar on


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      Forar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular

      March 23

      That's kinda my point though.

      While yes, some people have done it 'legit', the vast majority of folks I see talking about killing her do so by... skipping phases. And on rare occasions using builds so degenerate they can actually survive the unsurvivable somewhat consistently.

      Sure, the fight is way easier if you don't have to do it.

      Not intending to argue the point, but I think that does kind of speak to being at odds with the design choices.

      Choosing to make something very hard, perhaps too hard, and the community like 'cool, f*ck your mechanics, just gonna 3-shot this and look good doing it' says to me that it's not so much working as intended, as people got tired of doing it right and just wanted it done. I applaud outside the box thinking and approaching a problem from a new angle, but (mostly) refusing to engage with the mechanics as designed kinda belies it just being a point of practice. At least for many, again, I do respect that there are some who've done it properly. I'm sure there's some level 50 who DDR'd that sh*t with a broken spoon for a weapon. Doesn't mean it's a scalable answer.

      But if they are changing it, awesome. I still think to finalize the S3 journey I'll just throw some gold at someone to be done with 100%'ing it. I put in a couple hundred attempts over the seasons, made it to phase 2 a few times, even with degenerate builds. My gear probably wasn't optimized enough to do it reliably, but at least I could see some progress, rare as it was.

      First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERf*ckER!


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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 23 edited March 23

      No I get that. My point is it exists in pretty much all ARPGs and people will always just skip if able. I know I dont even bother with ubers in PoE because I never have the currency to even make them bearable. And this last league even having the currency I didnt bother because just running the league and watching the drops rain down was fun enough. In LE the one shots were just janky ground fire boxes and desync. Even back in D2 days you would just typically use farming starters like smiter paladin or sorc to get those first kills on uber diablo etc. Lilith and fights like her have existed in arpgs forever and I do not think uber lilith even is that bad of an example. Uber exarc can f*cking suck it. Same with uber sirus.

      Jubal77 on

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      KoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular

      March 24

      Patch notes seem really interesting but I'll wait for S4 before diving back in. I fell off S3 really hard, probably because S2 was so good.


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      Lucascraft Registered User regular

      March 25

      Hopefully they have cooked up a good theme to go along with these fundamental gameplay changes.

      I'd like to give D4 another shot. I don't like the game in it's current state, but I want to like it, and I want it to get better. I'm hopeful that season 4 + core changes will be what's needed to finally move my needle from "don't like" to "like."


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      Forar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular

      March 25

      Unless the theme is truly stellar, I suspect I'm out for S4/the foreseeable future.

      We were a crew of 6+ that played together semi-regularly. Of those, 3 have walked away from the game entirely, and I'm the only one to put serious hours into it this season, as far as I know.

      Sure, there are active clusters of PA'ers and Discords to form groups with, but part of the appeal was finally having a game I could play with my friends, and that's no longer the case.

      I do hope/expect to be back. D3 I'd go hot for like 2 seasons in a row and then disappear for a year+.

      While they've clearly been in the works a lot longer than the issues with player retention, I suspect the proposed annual release schedule would be an opportunity to also draw folks back in, for at least a season or two. New zones, bosses, mechanics, character classes, etc. Intentionally or not, it's an obvious way to draw folks back in with the new stuff and oh yeah, the last 2-3+ seasons of improvements that were made in their absence.

      First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERf*ckER!


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      Zek Registered User regular

      March 25

      Coming back to complete every season is definitely not for everyone, no matter how much they improve the game, the seasonal grind is always going to be a bit repetitive. It can't really be helped with only 3 months dev time - some people will always prefer to only return for the big expansions.

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      forty Registered User regular

      March 25

      I wonder in what season they won't make us do the level 25 class quests anymore.

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      Zek Registered User regular

      March 26 edited March 26

      I don't even like doing the seasonal quests the first time through! Ordinary quests are all boring once you've acclimated to endgame content. I don't care about a seasonal story that obviously has no impact on the real plot - I sure as hell don't want to repeat any side quests.

      Zek on


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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 28

      If you were on the fence and have Gamepass you can decide for yourself now as D4 hit gamepass today looks like.


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      Zek Registered User regular

      March 28

      PTR notes and summary are up: https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24078324/the-diablo-iv-season-4-ptr-what-you-need-to-know

      Not certain if the notes are fully complete, at least they don't include S4's seasonal mechanics.


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      Forever Zefiro cloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered User regular

      March 28

      Jubal77 wrote: »

      If you were on the fence and have Gamepass you can decide for yourself now as D4 hit gamepass today looks like.

      And now is a good time too because it’s bonus experience for like a week, right?

      [Diablo] D4 Season 4: Loot 2.0! D2s7 5/23. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 71 (18)
      XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL


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      Forar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular

      March 28

      Forever Zefiro wrote: »

      Jubal77 wrote: »

      If you were on the fence and have Gamepass you can decide for yourself now as D4 hit gamepass today looks like.

      And now is a good time too because it’s bonus experience for like a week, right?

      Correct, until April 2nd if I'm not mistaken.

      First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERf*ckER!


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      Noggin Registered User regular

      March 28 edited March 28

      Zek wrote: »

      PTR notes and summary are up: https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24078324/the-diablo-iv-season-4-ptr-what-you-need-to-know

      Not certain if the notes are fully complete, at least they don't include S4's seasonal mechanics.

      There’s some good conjuration love in there.

      - 2 hydras baseline.
      - The new FrOrb+Conj unique
      - Reworked aspect granting Damage reduction when you summon a conjuration.
      - Slightly more frost nova chance on enchantment if you want it
      - Added movement speed and mana regen to Conj mastery

      Definitely playing that; Season 0 revenge tour.

      Edit: oh and this is pretty important for that as well, and most other classes even:
      “Necromancer, Barbarian, Druid, and Sorcerer Companions now receive 100% of the player's attributes.”

      Noggin on

      Battletag: Noggin#1936


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      Lucascraft Registered User regular

      Yeah, definitely looking like I’m going to be giving Sorc another try this season.


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      Smrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular

      March 28

      I'm tempted to play minion necro

      [Diablo] D4 Season 4: Loot 2.0! D2s7 5/23. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 71 (23)


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      Ivan Hunger Registered User regular

      March 29

      Zek wrote: »

      PTR notes and summary are up: https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24078324/the-diablo-iv-season-4-ptr-what-you-need-to-know

      Not certain if the notes are fully complete, at least they don't include S4's seasonal mechanics.

      It definitely doesn't have all the information it could. It tells you how tempering manuals work, but doesn't actually list out all the options they provide. More specific information on what the reworked gems do would also be welcome.


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      Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular

      March 29

      Pleased to see that they’re steadily designing their way back to grifts

      it was the smallest on the list but
      Pluto was a planet and I'll never forget


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      Ivan Hunger Registered User regular

      March 29

      Smrtnik wrote: »

      I'm tempted to play minion necro

      Defenders with a permanent taunt field seems like a huge gamechanger. Minions will actually be able to tank for you instead of being entirely ignored by enemies who all just run past them.

      I already have a Minions + Bone build that I like a lot. The main problem with it is you have to do a lot of kiting if you encounter enemies like werewolves or fly demons who just jump over your minions.

      Here's a modified version of the build for season 4. Switching from Skirmishers and the Blood Golem to Defenders and the Bone Golem would be a drop in DPS if minions inheriting 100% of my offensive bonuses didn't make up for it several times over. I also juggled some aspects around to prioritize spreading and extending Crowd Control effects, since Taunt counts as a Crowd Control effect.

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      March 30

      The bone skeles being able to cast your bone skills is a really cool book change. That should be fun.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936


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      Ivan Hunger Registered User regular

      March 30

      Noggin wrote: »

      The bone skeles being able to cast your bone skills is a really cool book change. That should be fun.

      Personally, I can't stand the way bone mages constantly need to be renewed. If I wanted my pets to be on a timer, I'd just play conjur sorc!

      But yes, if you don't mind the babysitting they require, you can probably get some crazy burst damage out of them. Especially if the bone spears they fire benefit from both your minion attack buffs and your bone skill buffs.


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      forty Registered User regular

      April 2

      How is getting Whisper credit for killing a world boss still buggy almost a year later?

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      April 2

      You mean that you have to wait for like 5 to 10 seconds for the pop up or it doesnt count? Not really a bug that is for anything in the game. Happens in dungeons too. It would be my guess they put such things in a low priority "queue" for processing.

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      forty Registered User regular

      April 3

      Killed world boss, sat there for minutes, never got Whisper credit.

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      crimsoncoyote Registered User regular

      April 3

      Isn't there something where you can only get whisper credit for a WB every X hours?

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      forty Registered User regular

      April 3

      This was the first WB I've killed in weeks.

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      crimsoncoyote Registered User regular

      April 3



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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      April 3

      Noggin wrote: »

      The bone skeles being able to cast your bone skills is a really cool book change. That should be fun.

      PTR reports show they do the same damage as the necro. If that makes it live its a Necro league!

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      Dixon Screwed...possibly doomed CanadaRegistered User regular

      April 3

      I'm totally doing a minion skelly on live...always my favourite class and after that brutal nerf in beta it was never really functional except for sub-par levelling.


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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 3

      Yeah if I run the season it's definitely going to be minion based necro. It's been on the list of classes to do for a while now and it seems like now is the time to give it a shot.

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      April 3

      Also for my sorc homies freezing pulse looks pretty insane/fun.

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      A Half Eaten Oreo Registered User regular

      April 3

      This season was supposed to be Druid’s turn but it also seems they’re not getting as much cool stuff as everyone else. It might just end up being Sorc #2.


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      Ivan Hunger Registered User regular

      April 3

      Wudijo presents every tempering manual:

      Keep in mind, gear can only have one tempered affix from each type of manual, and all gear except amulets only accepts affixes from two types of manuals.

      Defence / Utility

      • Helms
      • Chestplates
      • Pants
      • Shields

      All Except Weapon

      • Amulet

      Offence / Utility

      • Gloves

      Offence / Resource

      • Rings

      Utility / Mobility

      • Boots

      Weapon / Offence

      • Weapons
      • Foci
      • Totems

      This means a build with all ancestral gear and no uniques will always have at minimum 1 Weapon affix, 4 Offensive affixes, 3 Defensive affixes, 5 Utility affixes, 1 Mobility affix, and 2 Resource affixes.

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      April 11 edited April 11

      Project Diablo 2 next season is tomorrow since the PoE league sucks ass and everything else is late league if you want to check out modded d2 scene. It is probably the best of the modded D2 offerings.

      Jubal77 on


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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 11

      Jubal77 wrote: »

      Project Diablo 2 next season is tomorrow since the PoE league sucks ass and everything else is late league if you want to check out modded d2 scene. It is probably the best of the modded D2 offerings.

      I really enjoyed Project D2 a lot. Makes the game feel brand new.



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    [Diablo] D4 Season 4: Loot 2.0! D2s7 5/23. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 71 (2024)
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