Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (2024)

Roman Pantheon

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  • Bacchus
  • Bellona
  • Cupid
  • Discordia
  • Hercules
  • Janus
  • Mercury
  • Nox
  • Sylvanus
  • Terra
  • Vulcan



Bottoms Up - Very Easy - As Bacchus, keep your Drunk-o-meter in smashed for five minutes.

This is extremely easy. Just press Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (1) in your spawn every time it comes off cooldown for five minutes, although make sure you don't die as that resets the counter.

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  • Bottoms Up

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Bottoms Up."

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Everybody Getting Tipsy - Very Easy - As Bacchus, intoxicate three or more enemy Gods at once.

You need to use your ultimate when three or more enemies are near you. They will be instantly intoxicated. Just use your ultimate in Arena or Assault and it should be no problem to get.

  • Everybody Getting Tipsy

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Everybody Getting Tipsy."

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (5)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (6)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (7)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (8)


Master at Arms - Medium - As Bellona kill an enemy after having hit them with each of your weapon stances.

You need to kill an enemy after hitting them with each of your weapons. You have four - the two-handed sword, the flail, the hammer, and the shield. So hit with the sword, use Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (9), melee with the hammer, use Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (10), melee with the flail, use Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (11), melee with the shield, and then kill the enemy god. You can't let the weapons fall off or it won't work (which is why sword must be first).

  • Master At Arms

    As Bellona kill an enemy after having hit them with each of your weapon stances.

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (12)

    2 guidesGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (13)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (14)

Rally Here! - Easy - As Bellona kill 10 enemy gods with the damage from Eagle's Rally.

You need to get a single kill on an enemy god with your Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (15). This is glitched and doesn't actually require 10 kills.

  • Rally Here!

    As Bellona kill 10 enemies with the damage from Eagle's Rally.

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (16)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (17)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (18)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (19)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (20)


The Power of the Heart - Very Hard - As Cupid Kill three or more gods with the damage from Heart Bomb.

You need to get a triple kill with a single use of Cupid's Heart Bomb (Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (21)). This requires three enemy gods to be very close to each other and very low in health. As soon as they are, you can use heart bomb and get your triple. If the target with the bomb on them dies, the bomb will blow up. You can safely kill a target with the initial hit of Heart Bomb (which is single target) and then the remaining two with the explosion - but you need to get the killing blow on all three with the single use of the ability. Practically impossible to get this achievement without boosting it.

  • The Power of the Heart

    Unlock the SMITE Award The Power of the Heart

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (22)

    4 guidesGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (23)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (24)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (25)

Spread the Love - Easy - As Cupid heal each of your teammates by using Share the Love.

You need to heal each of your allies and yourself a single time with your Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (26). You can heal gods at full health, so as long as your allies are interested in healing themselves by walking into your hearts.

  • Spread the Love

    Unlock the SMITE Award Spread the Love.

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (27)

    2 guidesGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (28)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (29)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (30)


Curse of Discord - Medium - As Discordia, use your Golden Apple of Discord ability to throw the apple to an enemy and have it spread automatically to 2 other enemies in a single cast.

This one is fairly straightforward, as all you need to do is land your ultimate (a giant golden apple) on an enemy, and have that enemy transfer it two more enemies. Upon landing her ult, the first enemy hit takes damage and is inflicted with the "intoxicate" de-buff. They lose most of their control on their movement, and can be CC'ed into other enemies. Upon the large meter underneath the initial god filling, the apple will burst for additional damage, and anybody inside the large radius will also be inflicted with smaller apples. Throwing your ult into a crowd of enemies, or timing it with a large crowd control ultimate will be more than sufficient for this achievement.

  • Curse of Discord

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Curse of Discord."

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (31)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (32)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (33)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (34)

Spreading Strife - Easy - As Discordia, use the Strife ability to turn 2 enemy Gods against each other 3 times in a single match.

Using Discordia's two ability, you need to hit the same two enemies three times in a match. Her Two ability casts the same debuff as Serqet's poison, which forces the two (or more) players stuck in there to turn on each other and attack each other. Just throw this ability out as often as you can, punish the "groupers" and profit off of an easier achievement.

  • Spreading Strife

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Spreading Strife."

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (35)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (36)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (37)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (38)


EarthbreakerVery EasyAs Hercules knock an enemy up five times in a single match using Earthbreaker.

You need to knock up 5 enemy gods with your [cn_a]. It can be the same god or different gods. It’s extremely easy. Just spam the ability until you get it.

  • Earthbreaker

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Earthbreaker."

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (39)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (40)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (41)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (42)

RicochetHardAs Hercules, use excavate to hit an enemy god twice, in one use, and kill them on the second hit.

This can be tough. You need to hit an enemy god twice with your ultimate and kill them with that second hit. Look for enemies who are pretty low on health near walls. Always focus on where the walls are and try to have straight shots at them so that you can throw the wall and it will bounce directly off.

  • Ricochet

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Ricochet."

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (43)

    3 guidesGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (44)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (45)


Watch Your Step - Easy - As Janus make your opponents fall through fifteen different portals in one match.

You need to create portals on the ground and have enemy gods fall through them on 15 separate occasions. The number of gods that are in each portal doesn't matter, you still need 15 portals on the ground. This is fairly easy and should come with normal gameplay in a game that doesn't end almost instantly.

  • Watch your Step

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Watch your Step."

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (46)

    2 guidesGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (47)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (48)

No Scope - Hard - As Janus hit at least two enemy gods with your ultimate at max distance.

This is not easy. You need to hit two enemies with your ult at "max" range. Max range is the range at which your ult does full damage. It basically means very, very far away. Try to stand at base and aim at the enemy team during a team fight. It can be somewhat luck-based. Also try playing arena and aiming for the enemy spawn doors and when an enemy is running away you can hit them from your spawn. Finally, Assault can make targeting easier where, everyone is stuck in a single lane and not many places to run to.

  • No Scope

    Unlock the SMITE Award "No Scope."

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (49)

    3 guidesGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (50)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (51)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (52)


Speed Demon - Easy - As Mercury reach 600 movement speed.

All you need to do is get about 3 movement speed items and a movement speed active. Extremely easy to do and a waste of a game in a boosting session. Items such as Bumba's Mask, Talaria Boots and Hastened Katana are good examples here.

  • Speed Demon

    As Mercury reach 600 Movement Speed.

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (53)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (54)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (55)

Around the World - Easy - As Mercury travel 75,000 feet in a single game.

You need to move a lot in a single game. Works hand in hand with his other achievement. You need to keep moving throughout the game. This only pops at the end of the game, but if you play Mercury for about 15 minutes and constantly move, you should unlock it.

  • Around the World

    As Mercury travel 75,000 feet in a single game.

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (56)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (57)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (58)


Where Did I Go? - Very Easy - As Nox remain inside an ally for 8 Seconds.

Possibly the easiest achievement in the game. Start a game, use your dash, your 3, to enter an ally, and then press nothing until you burst out of your ally automatically

  • Where Did I Go?

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Where Did I Go?"

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (59)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (60)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (61)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (62)

Embrace the Darkness - Easy - As Nox use Siphon Darkness and Shadowlock to deliver the killing blow to at least 3 enemies in one match.

You need to use your 1 and 2 combo on enemy gods. Put your Siphon Darkness (1) where an enemy is then quickly lock them in place using shadowlock (2). This will cause a little damage then the Siphon Darkness will explode, dealing high damage. If either of these delivers the killing blow, you're good. You need to do this three times in a match.

  • Embrace the Darkness

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Embrace the Darkness"

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (63)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (64)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (65)


Feel My Wrath - Easy - As Sylvanus, knock up three or more enemy gods with your Ultimate.

You simply need to hit three enemy gods with your ultimate. Play arena, and you can try buying blink and using that to get in amongst a group of enemies.

  • Feel my Wrath

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Feel My Wrath."

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (66)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (67)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (68)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (69)

Rooted! - Easy - As Sylvanus, root twenty enemy gods in a single game.

You can root enemies in two ways. First, there is a passive 25% chance any melee attacker will be rooted once every 12 seconds. This will get you potentially 20 roots in one long game. You can speed things up by using your first ability. You throw the seeds out and, if they hit an enemy god, that enemy will be rooted. You can root multiple gods at once for this. Rooting enemies is one of your core jobs as Sylvanus so with your passive, this should come easy enough as long as the game lasts long enough.

Please note, some people might not pay attention and use their third ability instead. You need to use your first ability (Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (70)) to get the root. The third will not work.

  • Rooted!

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Rooted!"

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (71)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (72)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (73)


Shattered Monolith - Easy - As Terra, root 3 or more enemies using the Monolith ability.

At the start of arena, run around the enemies and drop your monolith on top of them with Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (74). Then immediately use your Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (75) through the monolith. This should snare the enemy. If that doesn't work, simply wait for a team fight.

  • Shattered Monolith

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Shattered Monolith."

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (76)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (77)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (78)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (79)

Bless You All - Very Easy - As Terra, activate Terra's Blessing and buff all 5 members of your team in a single cast.

This is your ult. Your ult is global. So just use your ult when all four of your allies are alive and you'll get this.

  • Bless You All

    Unlock the SMITE Award "Bless You All."

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (80)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (81)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (82)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (83)


That's a Spicy Meatball - Medium - As Vulcan kill an opponent with Backfire while they're knocked up in the air from Magma Bomb.

You need to kill an enemy with your Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (84) while they are knocked into your air by your Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (85). This is your basic combo so it shouldn't be too hard to eventually get the kill with it. Focus on doing damage and playing normally and you should get this achievement somewhat naturally.

  • That's a Spicy Meatball

    Unlock the SMITE Award That's a Spicy Meatball.

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (86)

    1 guideGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (87)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (88)

Locked and Loaded - Easy - As Vulcan kill an enemy with your Ultimate at the Maximum Distance.

You need to get a kill at max range using your Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (89). This means holding the right stick all the way out. It doesn't have to be literally the farthest edge. This is slightly buggy in that you have to actually be able to see the enemy when they are killed. When you fire your ult at max range, you can't see the enemy (they disappear due to view distance). To solve this, fire your ult and then run forward as it flies. You should get the achievement if you get the kill.

  • Locked and Loaded

    Unlock the SMITE Award Locked and Loaded.

    Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (90)

    2 guidesGuide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (91)Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (92)

18. Slavic Pantheon16. Polynesian Pantheon

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Guide for SMITE - Roman Pantheon (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.