What Does RAC In Train Means? Understanding RAC Full Form (2024)

What Does RAC In Train Means? Understanding RAC Full Form (1)

It goes without saying that trains are the lifeline of India. While traveling in the country, trains are one of the most convenient and best modes of transport. It offers you a lot of space, comfort, and an experience of fun. Indian Railways always make sure on providing its passengers with the best quality of service, comfort, efficiency, and speed. Nowadays one of the best ways to book your train tickets is via the IRCTC portal. However, if the seats aren’t vacant during ticket booking, different types of statuses are shown. One among them is of RAC ticket. Do you know what is RAC status? Do you know what RAC in train means?

RAC full form is Reservation Against Cancellation. Read on to know everything about the RAC ticket and RAC status in the Indian railways.

What does RAC in train means?

RAC in the Indian railways basically stands for Reservation Against Cancellation. It is a type of train ticket that is sold for travel on the Indian railways. If your seat is showing RAC in train, it means you have a waiting list ticket. Although, it ensures certainty of the travel the catch is that it may not allow you a berth. What is interesting to note is that the Indian railways often splits a RAC seat for two passengers. Since there will be two passengers on a RAC seat, there is a huge possibility that you might not get a berth to sleep through the night.

To better understand it let us take an example. Consider a sleeper coach that has 50 seats and 40 out of those are for confirmed ticket holders meanwhile 10 are for the RAC ticket holders. Now, suppose you are the 41st person to book a ticket in that sleeper coach and get a RAC ticket. With that RAC ticket, you have got the guarantee that you will get to travel. However, the certainty of a complete berth for yourself will only be possible if any of the first 40 ticket holders cancel their reservation. In that case, you will be the first one who will get their berth aka seat. Meaning, your RAC ticket will get transformed into a confirmed ticket.

Although there is a great possibility that no one of those first 40 ticket holders cancels their reservation. In that case, you will still get to travel with a RAC seat. However, you may have to share your seat with another RAC ticket holder.

What Does RAC In Train Means? Understanding RAC Full Form (2)

Is buying a RAC ticket a smart move or not?

Buying a RAC ticket is always worth it. Why? Because it is way better than any wait-listed ticket like GNWL or RLWL status ones. These wait-listed tickets are in no way better than the RAC ticket. With any wait-listed ticket, you will get an entry into the coach. However, not a seat, not even a shared one like that in the RAC ticket.

Buying a RAC ticket is a much smarter move because it will at least grant you a shared seat. Moreover, if anyone with a confirmed seat cancels their ticket, RAC ticket holders are the first ones to be given the preference for that vacant seat. The other wait-listed tickets are only given consideration of a seat once all the RAC ticket holders have been allotted seats. To sum it up, you should always go ahead with a RAC ticket if you do not get a confirmed one.

What Does RAC In Train Means? Understanding RAC Full Form (3)

RAC ticket confirmation chances

The situations in which a RAC status ticket holder can get a confirmed seat are when there is any last-minute cancellation by a confirmed seat passenger. Another case could be when any quota remains unsold or in cases when a confirmed ticket holder gets an upgrade as per the seat availability in the upper class.

In very rare circ*mstances, it might happen that confirmed ticket holders canceled their tickets but your RAC ticket did not get confirmed. In that case, one must not worry but wait. Why? Because RAC status is updated only after the Indian railways prepare an updated chart of the coach. If confusion still persists and you have already boarded the train you must contact the TT as they can fully guide you through the process to get your confirmed seat.


What Does RAC In Train Means? Understanding RAC Full Form (4)

Hope you find this information on the RAC ticket and RAC in train helpful. Make sure to use the IRCTC portal for safer online booking.


What Does RAC In Train Means? Understanding RAC Full Form (2024)
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